Monday, October 12, 2009

First Item off the 40 by 40!

Who knew! The first item to get checked off my 40 by 40 list is one I thought would still be there 2 weeks before the 40th birthday! I did number 16 - . Take on something uncharacteristic of me!
So what did I do you ask?- I attended a bachelorette party and we all went and did a beginner pole dancing class!
I know what your thinking, WHAT?? Because when I found out thats what the bachelorette party was going to incude- thats what I said... but I am SOOO glad that I went. It was not what you think of when you think pole dancing. We learned how to walk, we got an extreme workout on our arms and core too! It was an hour of fun, LOTS of laughs, and some great exercise. After- we went out to a few bars and had a great time.

The wedding is in two weeks, and I hope the bride to be had a great time! I will try to find a picture to post later.

1. Buy a house!
2. Go Parasailing
3. Lose 50 pounds (or more) and keep it off
4. Go to Italy and tour Tuscany.
5. Take a class about wines, and learn the difference between them all.
6. Learn about investments, and then make a good one.
7. Accomplish changing a tire- by myself.
8. RUN a 10K the whole way.
9. See Rockefeller Center at Christmas Time
10. Buy a pair of Red High-heels, and wear them out somewhere.
11. Set up, plan and pull off a community food event for a holiday.
12. Grow a garden!
13. Learn sign Language.
14. Have a will drawn up.
15. Visit Paris, and go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
16. Do something very uncharacteristic of myself- this one could take on a life of it’s own…
17. Pay off at least one student loan!
18. Go to my high school reunion (20 years)!!
19. Read a classic book that I am ashamed to say I have not read yet… (Title to come)
20. Get Published!!!
21. Start a family, married or not, whether it be having kids or adopting a child…
22. Buy a car, something I really, really want
23. Become PCS certified.
24. Teach in the field of physical therapy, somewhere.
25. Visit at least 3 church denominations that are different from my own.
26. Learn how to crochet, or knit, (don’t know which one I want to do…)
27. Visit 5 National Parks, or Historic sites in the USA.
28. Go One Month without eating out at a restaurant.
29. Cook my way through a cookbook!
30. Have a picnic in a park, with a real picnic basket (always wanted a full elaborate picnic basket, and reason to use it).
31. Go white water rafting.
32. Learn how to sew clothing, and make a great outfit.
33. Take tennis lessons.
34. Write the children’s book that I have always wanted to write.
35. Read a book from cover to cover in one day.
36. During a presidential election-watch all the debates, and know enough to speak intelligently about the issues.
37. Go to Time Square for New Years Eve, among all the other crazy people!
38. Take a cruise!
39. Volunteer time to a children’s charity or event.
40. Be OK with turning 40, and say it proudly. Celebrate this birthday with an amazing celebration with family and friends!

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