Monday, April 12, 2010

Bluebonnets, Lake Texoma and Denison Dam, Oh My.

This weekend I decided to travel around and find Lake Texoma and some Texas Bluebonnets! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

This one is the boat I want to own someday, on Lake Texoma.
Sitting on the cliffs of Lake Texoma, getting some sun and relaxing for a few hours.

Denison Dam. It forms Lake Texoma. I drove over it about half way before I realized I was on it! I am so observant.... uhhh. Its pretty big and impressive.

On the other side of the dam is a field of bluebonnets! Griffin got his picture taken in the bluebonnets! Yes, I was "that" person- taking pictures of the dog in the field. There were other people out there with thier kids and families, but Griffin is my family!

This one is my FAVORITE! He is a little Lion! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

My version of art...

There are so many bluebonnets here, it was a fun afternoon. He really liked running through them. He also wanted to eat them. ooops

It was a fun weekend.

1 comment:

  1. atleast you have found the good of the sherman/denison area! i love that lake, spent pretty much every summer of my childhood there! hope the job is getting better
